Call for Papers


The workshop will focus on novel research and new ideas in a wide range of topics related to immersive and virtual media systems and architectures. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Systems
    • Immersive systems
    • Interactive multimedia systems
    • Sensor systems
    • Vision systems
    • Wearable systems
    • Operating systems
    • Distributed systems
    • Middleware
    • Mobile and embedded systems
    • Extended reality systems
    • Cinematic virtual reality
  • Applied contexts
    • Health
    • Games
    • Education
    • Storytelling
    • Social VR/XR
    • Entertainment
  • Visualization
    • 3D virtual environments
    • 3D graphics
    • 3D meshes
    • Light fields
    • Point clouds
    • Omnidirectional media
  • Psychological and physiological effects
    • Experience and perception
    • Multisensory processes
    • Learning and memory
    • Social interactions
    • Human-computer interactions
  • Quality and performance
    • Interactivity
    • Media synchronization
    • Quality of experience
    • Security and privacy
    • Accessibility
    • Scalability, consistency and throughput


MMVE solicits full papers (4-6 pages, including references) and short papers (2-3 pages, including references), covering one of the above or closely related topics. Short paper submissions are expected to either present a work-in-progress or describe a system or application suitable for demonstration at the workshop.

All submissions should be formatted using the standard ACM proceedings style. All submissions must be blinded and constitute original, unpublished work not under review elsewhere. Submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process and will be selected based on their originality, merit, and relevance to the workshop. Accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors at the workshop and will be archived in ACM Digital Library as part of the ACM MMSys 2023 proceedings.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline

10 March 2023

Acceptance Notification

31 March 2023

Camera-Ready Version

17 April 2023

MMVE Workshop

10 June 2023


MMVE 2023 will be co-located with ACM MMSys 2023, which will be held in Vancouver, Canada from June 7 - 10.
