
Organizing Committee

Jesús Gutiérrez

Jesús Gutiérrez

Workshop Chair

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain


Mylène Farias

Mylène Farias

Technical Program Chair

Texas State University, United States


Carlos Cortés

Carlos Cortés

Proceedings and Web Chair

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain


Steering Committee

  • Jean Botev - University of Luxembourg
  • Herman Engelbrecht - Stellenbosch University
  • Shun-Yun Hu - Imonology Inc.
  • Wei Tsang Ooi - National University of Singapore
  • Niall Murray - Athlone Institute of Technology

Technical Program Committee

  • Roberto Azevedo - Disney Research
  • Federica Battisti - University of Padova
  • Jean Botev - University of Luxembourg
  • Pablo Cesar - CWI
  • Herman Engelbrecht - Stellenbosch University
  • Alan Guedes - University College London
  • Shun Yun Hu - Imonology Inc.
  • Conor Keighrey - Athlone Institute of Technology
  • Tanja Kojic - Technische Universität Berlin
  • Yao Liu - Rutgers University
  • Mario Montagud - Universitat de València & Fundació i2CAT
  • Débora Christina Muchaluat-Saade - Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Nial Murray - Athlone Institute of Technology
  • Wei Tsang Ooi - National University of Singapore
  • Marta Orduna - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Pablo Pérez - Nokia Extended Reality Lab
  • Silvia Rossi - CWI
  • Irene Viola - CWI

Important Dates

Submission Deadline

10 March 2023

Acceptance Notification

31 March 2023

Camera-Ready Version

17 April 2022

MMVE Workshop

10 June 2023


MMVE 2023 will be co-located with ACM MMSys 2023, which will be held in Vancouver, Canada from June 7 - 10.
