Marta Orduna Nokia XR Lab; Madrid, SP
Workshop Chair
Marta Orduna is a Telecommunication Engineer, Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication
Technologies and Services in 2016 and Master in Telecommunication Engineering in 2018 both from
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). In 2023, she received her PhD from UPM entitled
"Understanding and Assessing Quality of Experience in Immersive Communications", reaching Cum
Laude. In 2023, she joined Nokia Extended Reality Lab team in Spain, where she continues her research
line of the PhD in the area of quality of experience in extended reality. She enjoys engaging in outreach
activities to promote scientific careers among young people, specifically among underrepresented groups.

Sara Baldoni University of Padua; Padua, IT
Technical Program Chair
Sara Baldoni is Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua from
March 2023. She received her Bachelor degree in Electronics Engineering from Roma Tre University in 2016 and the
Master degree in Information and Communication Technology Engineering from Roma Tre University in 2018. Moreover,
she received her PhD in Applied Electronics from Roma Tre University in 2022 and worked as post-doc researcher at
Roma Tre University until 2023.
Her main research interests are in the area of multimedia signal processing, quality of experience,
and immersive technologies. She serves as Associate Editor for ELSEVIER Displays Journal and for
ELSEVIER Signal Processing: Image Communication.

Nuria Oyaga Nokia XR Lab; Madrid, SP
Web Chair
Nuria Oyaga is an engineer at Nokia XR Lab in Spain from July 2022. She received her B.Sc. in audiovisual
and multimedia systems engineering in 2017 and the M.Sc. in computer vision in 2020, both from Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). In 2018 she was an internship in her actual group and after that started her professional
career in different companies, focused on computer vision and robotics. In 2022 she came back to the company and
started her actual role, planning to do her PhD in robotics, 5G and computer vision fields.
Although she has a very varied background due to the different companies she has been in, the common point
in all of them is computer vision, the use of machine learning and deep learning, robotics and communications.
In addition, her main interest is research focused on the combination of all these disciplines.
Steering Committee
- Herman Engelbrecht - Stellenbosch University
- Jean Botev - University of Luxembourg
- Niall Murray - Technical University of the Shannon
- Shun-Yun Hu - Imonology Inc.
- Wei Tsang Ooi - National University of Singapore
Technical Program Committee
- Alan Guedes - UCL
- Alexandra Covaci - University of Kent
- Amaya Jiménez-Moreno - Nokia
- Carlos Cortés - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Conor Keighrey - Athlone Institute of Technology
- Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade - Fluminense Federal University
- Federica Battisti - Università degli Studi di Padova
- George Ghinea - Brunel University
- Herman Engelbrecht - Stellenbosch University
- Jean Botev - University of Luxembourg
- Jesús Gutiérrez - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Mario Montagud - i2CAT Foundation
- Niall Murray - Athlone Institute of Technology
- Pablo Cesar - CWI
- Pablo Pérez - Nokia
- Sam Van Damme - Ghent University
- Sara Vlahovic - University of Zagreb
- Silvia Rossi - CWI
- Tanja Kojic - Technische Universität Berlin
- Wei Tsang Ooi - National University of Singapore