The workshop will take place on March 31st. The detailed agenda is still pending definition and it will be displayed as soon as it is available. Below is the information about one of the keynotes that will take place at the congress and that is related to the organization of this workshop.

Speaker: Mario Montagud Climent
Affiliation: i2CAT Foundation & University of Valencia
Mario Montagud Climent was born in Montitxelvo (Spain). He received a BsC in Telecommunications Engineering in 2011, an MsC degree in
“Telecommunication Technologies, Systems and Networks” in 2012 and a PhD degree in Telecommunications (Cum Laude Distinction) in 2015,
all of them at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV, Spain). He has experience as a postdoc researcher at UPV,
CWI (The National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands), i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona, Spain) and at
University of Valencia (UV, Spain). He is currently a Consolidated Research Scientists at UV and i2CAT Foundation.
His topics of interest include Computer Networks, Interactive and Immersive Media, Media Synchronization and QoE (Quality of Experience).
Dr. Montagud is (co-)author of over 100 scientific and teaching publications, has contributed to standardization, and to technology transfer to industry.
He has been and is currently member of the Organization and Technical Committee of many international conferences, and of the Editorial Board of
international recognized journals. He has been and is currently involved in diverse regional, national and European projects (e.g., 6G-XR, PRESENCE, HEAT),
with leading roles in many of them.
Title of Keynote: On the road to scalable, interoperable and cost-efficient realistic holographic communications
Summary of Keynote:
Immersive technologies span beyond entertainment and rich media consumption, having become a powerful social interaction, collaboration and communication medium.
In this context, Social Virtual / eXtended Reality (XR / VR) has emerged as a promising social interaction, communication, and collaboration medium, attracting the
attention of both the research community and industry alike.
Social VR / XR has been recently shown to provide remarkable advantages compared to traditional videoconferencing solutions, and these benefits are magnified when
volumetric video technologies come into play to provide 3D holographic representations of users. Despite the undoubtful positive impact, key challenges still need
to be addressed to enable a widespread deployment and adoption of such disruptive technologies. On the one hand, this talk will provide an overview of latest
technological advances - and remaining challenges - in the field of volumetric video technologies and associated networking aspects to enable ubiquitous, scalable,
interoperable, and cost-efficient holographic communication services. On the other hand, the talk will provide evidence of current applicability scenarios, and
suggest new futuristic ones, to foster creative thinking and evoke identification of new research / collaboration opportunities.